Robert Landeros

About Robert Landeros

Robert Landeros, Ph.D. is currently chairman of the management department, professor of supply management and director emeritus of the Integrated Supply Management program. He has been on the faculty at Arizona State University and the Norwegian School of Management. Dr. Landeros has also held visiting faculty appointments at universities in Latin America, Europe, Scandinavia, and the former Soviet Union. His research has focused on basic and applied supply management topics, and pedagogical issues. Dr. Landeros was a principal investigator on a National Consortium for Technology in Business grant and a John Deer Research Fellow. He is included in Who's Who In American Education, and Who's Who Among Hispanic Americans.

Selected Consulting Engagements

  • Provided counsel to first-tier automotive suppliers on developing and implementing supply chain management strategies.
  • Provided counsel to a Fortune-100 appliance manufacturer on cost management techniques and strategies.
  • Provided counsel to first-tier automotive suppliers on business-process and decision-making techniques).
  • Provided counsel to a Fortune-100 package food manufacturer on developing and implementing strategic alliances with key suppliers.
  • Provided counsel to a Fortune-100 pharmaceutical manufacturer on developing and maintaining buyer/seller partnerships.
  • Provided counsel to a Fortune-100 aerospace manufacturer on improving forecasting techniques.
  • Provided counsel to aerospace manufacturers, utility companies and pharmaceutical manufacturer on developing and implementing supply chain management strategies.